Call for application "Reporting research media fellowship 2011-Dams and development in Northeast India"-Apply by 20th April 2011

Forwarded to the portal by: Arup Jyoti

Panos South AsiaPanos Institute South Asia’s RELAY programme invites print/web and television journalists to apply for the ‘Reporting research media fellowship programme’ on dams and development in Northeast India. 

Three print/web and one (1) television fellowship will be awarded to candidates who regularly contribute to media in Northeast India and are willing to write/ produce media outputs based on collaboration with research or researchers and primary field trips in the Northeast.

The Fellowship will run from May 2011 to September 2011. Each fellow will be provided with editorial support by an advisory panel comprising of senior journalists and editors and ‘paired’ with research/ers appropriate to developing their features or op-eds.

Based on their researchers and primary field trips, selected fellows must produce:

  • Three 1000-1200 word features or op-ed (for print/web) and up to 15-20minute broadcast piece (For television) to be published/ broadcast before October 2011.
  • A ‘learning report’ at the end of the process documenting what they did for their fellowships and the contacts they made, and reflecting on what went well, what was challenging and how they intend to use and build on the fellowship experience in the future.

Applicants must submit the following before 20th April, 2011:

  • A cover letter outlining motivation and suitability for the Fellowship (not exceeding 500 words in English)
  • A draft proposal/story idea for the feature or op-ed(500 words max) including indicative budget for study visit/travel 
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Between one to three samples of published/broadcasted/webcasted work on the proposed theme or another theme where research/experts have been used as a source
  • Two references from persons who have known the applicant professionally for at least one year

The Panos Institute South Asia’s RELAY programme aims to contribute to quality media coverage on important social and economic issues in the region.  The current focus is on dams and development in the Northeast.

This fellowship is open only to people who would write media outputs based on collaboration with research or researchers and primary field trips in the Northeast. Women, journalists writing in local languages and persons from under-represented areas are encouraged to apply.

Please mail all relevant documentation to

Download the below attachment for more details

Contact Details:
Arup Jyoti Das (Koch)
Assistant Programme Manager, Northeast
Panos Institute South Asia,
110 Kharghuli Road, Guwahati 781004
Tel: (0361) 2732629

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