Call for abstracts for the 15th World Aqua Congress

About the conference:

15 th World Aqua Congress (XV WAC), an annual international conference in water organised by Aqua Foundation, is scheduled on September 14 th - 17 th , 2021 - a virtual event. The theme of the conference is Valuing Water (Beyond Pricing, Environmental, Social and Cultural Value).

Abstract information:

An abstract of no more than 500 words is to be submitted containing complete information on the following :

  • Proposed title of less than 15 words.
  • Full name of author and co-authors.
  • Full contact address of corresponding author (including telephone, fax and e-mail).
  • Identification of the Congress theme most closely related to the paper. After confirming the acceptance of the presentation, authors will be required to send a complete version of the paper that will be included in the proceedings volume / CD ROM of the Congress.
  • Five keywords of the paper.
You can submit the Online Abstract using this form or email it to

The last date for submitting abstracts is 30th June, 2021

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Post By: Swati Bansal