Bangalore World Water Summit invites applications for Bangalore Water Awards – Apply by January 14, 2012

CSD Bangalore water summit

The Centre for Sustainable Development's (CSD) mission is to promote sustainable development by identifying critical issues in the context of the present and the future and addressing them in a manner which will achieve sustainable outcomes. Its programs and methods are designed to promote the involvement of different stakeholders and build capacities to achieve sustainability across sectors. CSD works in close association with various government agencies, scientific institutions and civil society organizations.


Bangalore Water Awards are to be given towards innovations in water utility in operational and management systems, best practices and promotion of social aspects in water.

The Bangalore Water Awards are designed not only to applaud innovations in products and services in the arena of water, but also to recognize the contributions which have transformed the world of water for the future. This Award is aimed at motivating and highlighting the importance of research, innovation, best practices and most importantly, the leaders who are committed towards finding some answers for water security today, so the interests of the future generations are safeguarded tomorrow.

Categories of Awards are:

  • Best Performance in Water Management among Utilities
  • Best Performance in Water Management among Industries
  • Best Performance in Water Management among Non-Governmental Organizations

For the above categories of awards, nominations are invited from various sectors all over India viz. Metropolitan odies, Water Boards, Mahanagara Palikes, Municipal Corporations, Industries, and Non Governmental Agencies who have worked for or contributed towards the water sector. Please note that individual persons are not eligible to apply.

A Committee of eminent jury headed by Former Chief Justice of India, Mr. Rajendra Babu, will select the winners and will be announced at the Awards ceremony function during the Summit.

Last date to apply: 14th January 2012.

Click here for more details on Bangalore World Water Summit

Click here for more details on Bangalore Water Awards

Download the below attachment Registration form

Contact details:

Centre for Sustainable Development 
21st Floor, Public Utility Building, Mahatma Gandhi Road,
Bangalore 560 001
Tele/Fax: +91 80 2532 3020;


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Post By: chetana