3rd WASH Media Awards now accepting entries


The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) and The Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) are accepting applications for the 3rd edition of the WASH Media Awards.

The competition is open to journalists in developing and developed countries who publish or broadcast original investigative reports on issues relating to water supply, sanitation or hygiene (WASH) in their countries.

  • Eligible works must be published or broadcast between 1 March 2009 and 1 April 2010.
  • Articles or broadcasts can be submitted in English, French, Spanish, Russian or Portuguese.
  • Works not originally published or broadcast in one of these languages must be translated into one of the five competition languages.
  • The winners in the seven competition categories will be invited to participate in the World Water Week, in Stockholm in September 2010.
  • The deadline for submission of entries is 1 April 2010

For more information and entry forms in the five languages, Click Here

David Trouba
Programme Officer, Communications
Water Supply &  Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC)
15, chemin Louis-Dunant
1202 Geneva, Switzerland

Tel: +41 22 560 81 78

Fax: +41 22 560 81 84

Email: david.trouba@wsscc.org


WSSCC works to achieve sustainable sanitation, hygiene and water supply for all people.

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