The 2010 Echoing Green Fellowship

The 2010 Echoing Green Fellowship is for those individuals which “the next big idea for social change, and also have what it takes to start your own groundbreaking organization.” Organizations both non-profit and for-profit from any part of the world can apply for the fellowship.

The criteria for applying for the fellowship are;

    * Applicants must be 18 years of age or older.
    * Applicants must have sufficient English fluency to participate in interviews and Echoing Green events.
    * Organizations must be the original idea of the applicant.
    * Organizations must be independent and autonomous. Organizations cannot be considered independent or autonomous if they are started under the direction of an existing organization. The applicant must be the primary decision maker for the organization’s development and management. Generally, organizations with fiscal sponsors are still considered autonomous.
    * Organizations must be in a start-up phase. To be considered a start-up, the applicant may have been running the organization full-time for    approximately two years and Echoing Green’s financial support should qualify it as a major/primary early funder. Applicants who have only worked on their organization on a part-time basis or have yet to start an organization are generally considered eligible.
    * Applicants must make a full-time commitment to the organization’s development. A full-time commitment is defined as a minimum of 35 hours per week; it is expected that the fellow would resign from their current employment to dedicate themselves full-time to their initiative.
    * Partnerships (organizations led by two individuals) may apply. Both partners must make a full-time commitment of no fewer than 35 hours per week to the development of the organization.

More criteria at:

The deadline to apply for the fellowship is 2 December 2009. For more, visit this link.

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Post By: reena