Youth forum on climate actions and mountain issues - The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), 8th – 12th August, 2011, Kathmandu, Nepal

International Center for Integrated Mountain DevelopmentOrganizer: The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)

Venue: ICIMOD headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal


The overall objective of the Youth Forum is to celebrate International Year of Youth 2011/12 and International Youth Day, 12 August, through continuation of series of activities started in 2008 to build the next generation leadership in sustainable mountain development and climate change adaptation in ICIMOD Regional Member Countries (RMCs) and beyond, especially in the context of upcoming UNFCCC CoP 17 and Rio+20 meeting.
We offer a unique opportunity for students and speakers across the Asia Pacific region to engage each other in addressing the challenge of applying and adapting broader principles of sustainability, climate change and mountain development to locale-specific solutions. The programme will feature eminent speakers and there will be an emphasis on the issues specific to mountain development in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan (HKH) region and beyond, especially in the context of ICIMOD’s work, and ongoing and planned regional and global processes on relevant topics. The event is financially supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Young professionals of 18 to 29 years of age (by 1 August 2011) and coming from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan are eligible to apply. There are few seats available for youth from other Asia Pacific countries beyond the HKH.

Application deadline: 20th May, 2011

Number of seats available: 40 (30 RMCs and 10 beyond)

Click here for application form and more details

Contact details:
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development(ICIMOD)
G.P.O. Box 3226, Khumaltar,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 5003222

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