World Water Week, Stockholm International Water Institute, August 26 - 31, 2012, Stockholm

Organiser: Stockholm International Water Insitute

Venue: Stockholmsmässan
              Mässvägen 1,
              SE-125 80 Älvsjö,


The Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) is a policy institute that seeks sustainable solutions to the world’s escalating water crisis. SIWI manages projects, synthesises research and publishes findings and recommendations on current and future water, environment, governance and human development issues.

Description: World Water Week is hosted and organised by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) and takes place each year in Stockholm. The World Water Week has been the annual focal point for the globe's water issues since 1991. Join us!

Topics: Each year the World Water Week addresses a particular theme to enable a deeper examination of a specific water-related topic. While not all events during the week relate to the overall theme, the workshops driven by the Scientific Programme Committee and many seminars and side events do focus on various aspects of the theme. The themes change each year, but each fits within a broader "niche" that covers several years. The grouping of
themes within a niche is designed to develop a long-term perspective on a broad yet significant water and development issue. It also ensures that each year builds upon the previous years' outcomes and findings.

The current niche for 2009-2012 is "Responding to Global Changes", which looks at the potential and necessary responses in water policy, management and development to address pervasive and increasingly impacting global changes. The themes within the current niche are:

  • 2009: Accessing Water for the Common Good
  • 2010: The Water Quality Challenge
  • 2011: Water in an Urbanising World
  •  2012: Water and Food Security

Browse this website to see the Thematic Scope for 2012 on Water and Food Security, and the workshops covering different aspects of the theme.

Registration details: Click here for registration fee details and other travel information

Workshops are organised by the SIWI through the Scientific Programme Committee (SPC) and in collaboration with co-convening organisations. The workshops are based on an abstract submittal process which is open to practitioners, researchers, policy makers and other stakeholders around the world.

Topics for World Water Week 2012 workshops:

  • Best use of blue water resources for food security
  • Rainfed production under growing rain variability: Closing the yield gap
  • Safeguarding global food security and life supporting ecosystems
  • Health and food security
  • Securing water and food in an urbanizing world
  • Towards a green economy: The water-food-energy nexus
  • Trade and food security
  • Governance for water and food security

Click here for more details

Contact details:
2012 World Water Week/ Congrex Sweden AB
Post address: PO Box 5619
114 86 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 8 459 66 00,

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Post By: sucheethra
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