World Water Day - Open event by MoWR, 23 March 2009, New Delhi

As a part of World Water Day events, the Ministry of Water Resources is organizing a one-day workshop at New Delhi on 23rd March 2009. The program is as below. Date 23-03-2009 Time: 1000 Hrs Venue "CSMRS Auditorium"(behind IIT Hostels, Ber Sarai corner) Morning Session Trans-boundary aquifer systems Afternoon Session-1 Information, Education and Communication Afternoon Session-2 Capacity Building Details of the Capacity Building session: Capacity Building in water sector has three main components: a) In high technology areas, for hydraulic infrastructure; b) In policy matters, often in "think tank"mode; c) For grass-root level actions; Each has its own importance. Institutions like National Water Academy and similar institutions at State level adequately address a), and to some extent b) above. CB in c) refers to topics like rain water harvesting; artificial recharge; improving water use efficiency; recycle and reuse at domestic level; obtaining potable water where GW may be contaminated; protecting the aquifers from contamination, etc. In this area, NGOs have an important role to play. CB is required not only for the end- users (i.e. farmers, households) but also for the NGOs, in ToT mode. Formal institutions can train the NGOs who can then train end-users. We propose to discuss all these issues during the session on Capacity Building. The expected presenters/ panelists are : Chetan Pandit, Chief Engineer, National Water Academy; Ashok Jaitly, Distinguished Fellow, TERI; Representative of Development Alternatives; National Water Academy cordially invites the representatives of NGOs to participate in the session on Capacity Building. There is no registration fee for the workshop. For any further queries contact Pradeep Kumar, Director, NWA, 09763339272.

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