Workshop on water insecurity and climate variability in India: Theoretical understanding and practical programming, IRAP and SCaN, Hyderabad, February 25 - March 1, 2013 - Apply by January 20, 2013

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Institute for Resource Analysis and Policy (IRAP)
SaciWATERs Cap-Net Network (SCaN)




5 days


Climate change poses a grave challenge to the developing world. Scientific studies have established significant impacts of a potential change in climate on the natural resources and consequently on the lives and livelihoods of people. It is often said that such impacts will be more on people in the developing countries due to their high dependence on the natural resource base and lower resilience to environmental shocks. Extreme variations in climate adds newer challenges to already aggravated water management problems in India.

What is the training expected to achieve?

The training will:

  • Help the water sector professionals to deepen their understanding of issues related to climate variability and change and the manner in which they can affect water security in different regions of the country.
  • Provide specific skills to analyze the impact of climate variability and change on water resource availability, access to water, demand for water, water-related livelihoods and human health.
  • Familiarize the participants about adaptative water management approaches, particularly specific technical, economic and policy instruments to deal with the stresses on water resources, socio-economic and environmental systems.

Who should participate in the training?

  • Officers of government agencies in the water resource sector, including planning, development and  management
  • Senior professionals from NGOs which are actively involved in water resource management projects and advocacy
  • Young researchers from academic/research organisations
  • Middle level managers of donors which are working in water sector
  • The participants can be from disciplines as varied as hydrology and water engineering, agricultural economics, natural resource economics, sociology, political sciences, environmental engineering and natural resources management.

Candidates with at least 5-6 years of experience in the water sector would be preferred

Program overview

The training program would be of five day duration. It would include class room lecture sessions, group work and field visits. Around 12-15hours would be allocated for lecture sessions, and 8-10 hours for group discussions and presentations. One day would be slotted for field visits. The lecture sessions would be handled by well-known water resource experts, academics and professionals.

Course fee

The course fee will be Rs. 16,000 per participant, and will cover the charges for course materials, class room sessions, field visits, boarding and lodging expenses, but will not include the cost of travel by outstation participant for attending the training.

A few scholarships are available for deserving and needy candidates preferably women to attend the program.

How to apply?

Interested candidates can send a letter of motivation with their resume to the Programme Coordinator, Dr. Dinesh Kumar at

Contact details

Dr. M. Dinesh Kumar
Executive Director, Institute for Resource Analysis and Policy
202, Riviera Apartments
Dwarkapuri Colony, Panjagutta
Phone: +91 40 4261 7392/ 42211 2721
Email: /

Dr. Anjal Prakash
Executive Director, SaciWATERs
B-87, Third Avenue, Sainikpuri,
Seconderabad-500 094
Phone: + 91 40 27116721, 64101320
Email: /

Event Date
Post By: Seetha