Workshop on reducing vulnerabilities to climate change and disaster risk through Integrated Water Management, UNDP, New Delhi, 17 December, 2012



New Delhi


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)


The Australian Agency for International Development (AUSAID) and UNDP entered into a partnership agreement in 2011 to enhance climate change induced risk management capacities (adaptation, disaster mitigation and risk reduction) in one district each of flood-prone areas of Orissa and drought-prone areas of Madhya Pradesh. This programme is dovetailed with on-going Government of India-UNDP Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Programme that aims to strengthen the institutional structures to undertake disaster risk reduction activities at various levels, as stipulated in the National Disaster Management Act (2005).

The objectives of the project are develop models of community-based management of water resources; Integrate water management and climate change risk concerns into disaster management planning at district and Gram Panchayat levels. It would also strive to integrate adaptive water management practices in the state-level policy and planning processes related to climate change and disaster risk management. Overall, the project seeks an integrated approach to link climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and water management in order to enhance the adaptive capacities of vulnerable communities.

The workshop

With the above background, a national workshop on reducing vulnerabilities to climate change and disaster risk through Integrated Water Management is being organized by UNDP in New Delhi.

The workshop objectives are:

  • To discuss with key stakeholders the concept, issues, experiences on adaptation and disaster risk reduction measures taken by various agencies
  • Identify national level policy/programme interventions required to mainstream CCA/DRR in development, especially by focusing on an integrated water resources management approach
  • Explore collaboration opportunities

About 50 participants from Government and non-government sectors, Research and Development organizations, community members, donor organizations etc wil be attending the workshop.

Contact details

G Prasad babu
Project Officer - Integrated Water Management
AusAID-UNDP Climate Change Adaptation Programme
Disaster Management Unit
United Nations Development Programme
55 Lodi Estate, P.O. Box 3059,
New Delhi-110003

Event Date
Post By: Seetha