Workshop on "Natural Resources and Governance" , Bangalore

Venue: Gandhi Bhawan, Kumar Park East (Near Shivanand Circle), Bangalore- 560001


The workshop will deal with both the issues of the accelerated use (rather abuse) of Natural Resources: Jal, Jungle, Jameen, Khaneej and beej (water, forest, land, minerals and seeds), on one hand and the deteriorating governance which are leading to further aggravation  leading to very adverse impact on the livelihood and health of the rural poor including the tribals and environment.

The workshop will focus on widespread illegal mining in Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh (AP)-Karnataka border and the role of the mining mafia of Bellary, in particular and the impact of the entry of the big mining corporations like M/s Vedanta and the most adverse impact on the very existence of the tribals and other forest dwelling communities and rural poor, in general.

The workshop is organized by the various local organizations and networks, who are supporting the People's Movement in Karnataka against the illegal mining and for the protection of natural resources. We are meeting at a crucial time when these issues have reached a critical stage including the Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by SPS in the Supreme Court, the resignation of (and withdrawal of the same by) the Lokayukta of Karnataka, Justice Shri Santosh Hegde and the total breakdown of governance all over the state especially in  Bellary district with the powerful nexus of the corrupt politicians, officials and ministers.

We request you to kindly mark your calendar and confirm your participation at the earliest. Due to limited resources, we are not in position to pay for your travel. However, the organizers will make simple staying and food arrangements.

Contact Details:
Shri Gururaj Budhya
National Committee For Protection of Natural Resources (NCPNR)
Mobile: 09448849353

Dr. Vishnu Kamath
Mobile: 09448265698or

Shri I G Pulli
Mobile: 09449865021

Event Date
Post By: Rama Mani