Workshop: Biosand Water Filter (JalKalp) Technology

Workshop to build capacities on the biosand filter (Image source: Sehgal Foundation)
Workshop to build capacities on the biosand filter (Image source: Sehgal Foundation)

About the workshop

Safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) is the basic need for leading a healthy and dignified life. Marginalized communities in India still struggle with waterborne diseases, mostly due to unsafe drinking water and WASH behavior. According to a Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) Report by WHO in 2021, two billion people across the globe lack safely managed WASH services. 

S M Sehgal Foundation, India, in partnership with CAWST, Canada, is hosting a three-day training workshop to build capacities on the biosand filter, an effective and sustainable household-level safe drinking water solution. 

The workshop will provide the required knowledge on technology of biosand filter, how it works and its maintenance. The workshop will deliver knowledge on JalKalp biosand filter, preparing the filter media and installing the filter, and operation and maintenance. 
Here's the training workshop agenda

Training registration link

Participants may be individuals or groups who are: 
- Working in water and sanitation, community development or health projects seeking solutions for safe water 
- Aware of the need for safe water and may have some familiarity with household water treatment 
- Motivated and prepared to implement a biosand filter project 
- Mid-level managers within their organization with the responsibility for organizing projects and making decisions 
- Program organizers, community liaison people, technicians, front line supervisors, project managers, or project engineers 

Dates and Location: Nov 23-25, 2022; S M Sehgal Foundation, Gurugram, Haryana 

Training fee: INR 1500 per head (covers lunch, snacks and tea, and training workshop materials)  

Mode of payment: 
Online to S M Sehgal Foundation 
Account number – 57022216548
IFSC Code – SBIN0070695  

*Note: Registration will be confirmed on receipt of training fee.  
Accommodation: You are expected to make your own travel and stay arrangements. Options for hotels/guest houses closest to the training location can be shared if needed.  

For any other detail, contact: 
Phone: +91-124-4744120

Event Date
Post By: Swati Bansal