WMO/ESCAP Panel On Tropical Cyclones - 38th session, 21st - 25th February, 2011, New Delhi

WMO/IMD/ESCAPTo improve tropical cyclone warning systems in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea through effective operational plan

Organizers: India Meteorological Department(IMD), World Meteorological Organisation(WMO), Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

Venue: Scope Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi


The Panel is one of the five regional tropical cyclone bodies established as part of the WMO Tropical Cyclone Programme (TCP) which aims at promoting and coordinating the planning and implementation of measures to mitigate tropical cyclone disasters on a worldwide basis. The basic purpose of the tropical cyclone operational plan is to facilitate the most effective tropical cyclone warning system for the region with existing facilities. The plan records the agreed arrangements for standardization of operational procedures, efficient exchange of various data related to tropical cyclone warnings, issue of cyclone advisories from a central location (Regional Specialised Meteorological Centre-Tropical Cyclone) having the required facilities for this purpose, archival of data and issue of a tropical weather outlook and tropical cyclone advisories as agreed by consensus at the WMO as part of the World Weather Watch for the benefit of the region.

The Panel sessions are held annually in one of the Member Countries. The 38th Session of the WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones is being hosted by India.

Click the below attachment for more details

Contact details:
Mr. B. K. Bandyopadhyay
Deputy Director General of
Meteorology (Services) &
Director, RSMC, New Delhi
India Meteorological Department
Lodi Road, New Delhi -110003
Tel and Fax: + 91-11-2463566
email: bkbando1705@yahoo.co.in
website: http://imd.gov.in

Event Date
Post By: Chethan.S