VIth World Aqua Congress 2012 and call for paper, Aqua Foundation, November 28-30, 2012, New Delhi

Organiser: Aqua Foundation

Venue: India Habitat Centre
           Lodhi Road,
           New Delhi

Aqua foundation

Aqua Foundation is a Non-Governmental Organization which undertakes all necessary initiatives for scientific and social knowledge creation and diffusion regarding water and its vital role in human survival.

Recognizing the need for long term planning for Water, VI World Aqua Congress 2012 will discuss present issues, current status of planning, directions and roadmap for future. This will enable policy makers, planners, researchers and industry to share a common vision, resulting in effective action for this vital resource.


  • Sustainable Water Management- Challenges, Technologies, Solutions
  • Water resources and Global Change
  • Enhancing Water Use Efficiency- Rural, Agriculture, Urban & Industrial
  • Emerging New Technologies
  • Adaptive & Integrated water management
  • Water, Climate, Food & Energy
  • Governance and water law
  • Effective involvement of Children for Water
  • Learning from Traditional Water Management Practices

Last date for submitting abstract: July 31, 2012

An abstract of no more than 500 words is to be submitted containing complete information on the following:

  • Proposed title of less than 15 words.Full name of author and co-authors.
  • Full contact address of corresponding author (including telephone, fax and e-mail).
  • Identification of the Congress theme most closely related to the paper. After confirming the acceptance of the presentation, authors will be required to send a complete version of the paper that will be included in the proceedings volume/CD ROM of the Congress.
  • Five keywords of the paper.

Abstracts can be sent by e-mail or postal service

Registration fee:
Registration is mandatory to attend or to be present at the Congress.

Click here for details regarding registration fee

Early bird offer: Until August 15, 2012

Click here for more details of the conference

Contact details:
Ms. Praggya Sharmaa
Organising Secretary
Aqua Foundation
C-69 B, LGF, Kalkaji
New Delhi – 110019
Phone: +91-9818568825
E-mail : wac@worldaquacongress.or

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