ViBGYOR is entering its 8th year. From its beginning in 2006, ViBGYOR has taken a different path, by bringing films and filmmakers to places where ordinary people live, to people who do not have a camera or a canvas to bring their stories to light. Beginning with `Water’ as its special focus theme, each year ViBGYOR highlights an important global-local sociopolitical concern as its Focus theme.
Focus of this year's event
Stolen democracies
About the festival
When the political lobbies and leaders continue to conspire against one’s own nations in collusion with the transnational corporations and let their peoples and resources `bought/ sold’, is there any real space left for democracy anywhere? This is the fundamental question that ViBGYOR-2013 raises. At the 8th ViBGYOR, apart from the screenings of films on the focus theme 'stolen democracies', various other activities like 'C. Saratchandran Memorial Lecture’, mini conferences, campaigns, Discussions, music recitals and exhibitions will be organized in view of raising awareness and generating discussions on the focus theme and related topics.
There are three types of passes that let you enter ViBGYOR Film Festival, namely 'Family Pass'(Rs.200), 'Delegate Pass' (Rs.100) and 'Student Pass' (Rs.50). Family Pass admits two, Delegate pass and Student pass admit one each. In order to avail of the Student pass facility, students are advised to produce a valid ID card of the educational institution that you belong to.
Every year we conduct a Young Volunteers Training Camp, where ViBGYOR themes, concerns and politics are discussed and debated. Apt films are screened at such Youth camps and they help in animation and discussion. Invigorated from these training sessions our Young volunteers get ready to work in any capacities under different departments of the ViBGYOR Film Festival or its outreach programmes.
Invitation to volunteer for ViBGYOR Film Festival is extended not simply to young people, but to anyone and everyone, to all age groups and profession, of any nation, far or near.
Call Sarat (9809477058 ) or Seena ( 9447546417) or write to info@vibgyorfilm.org and register your name as a Volunteer!
Contact details
ViBGYOR Festival Office
Kalliath Royal Square
Palace Road, Thrissur - 680 020
Kerala, India
Mobile:+91-9809477058 (Contact person: Sarat Cheloor)
e-mail: info@vibgyorfilm.org