UNLEASH Hacks Bharat | Invitation for Application to Build Climate Resilient India

Marginalized communities across the country are facing the brunt of climate change which is not only questioning their survival but is also affecting their livelihood. Climate change affects these communities in many ways including lack of access to water for agriculture and survival, compromised drinking water quality, affecting communities in water deprived region, etc. UNLEASH, a global innovation lab committed to work on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), brings together world’s top talents together to share ideas, build networks, and create solutions to address these problems. 

UNLEASH Hacks are localized, scalable, and cost-efficient innovation processes designed to address sustainability challenges in specific contexts around the world. UNLEASH Hacks Bharat is an independently organized event that leverage the community and methodology of the UNLEASH Innovation Lab. Through a collaborative 2-day process, organized by UNLEASH Alumni, passionate youth across India will have the opportunity to work with local stakeholders and community leaders to collectively solve problems and contribute to the SDG13: Climate Action and SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.  

Indian youth between 18 to 35 years of age are eligible to apply. The applications are live until 22nd August 2020. Apply here.

UNLEASH Hacks Bharat has partnered with the eminent organizations such as Indian Climate Collaborative, Climate Collective, UN SDSN South Asia, Arghyam, Network Capital, Atal Incubation Centre - GUSEC Foundation, Customized Energy Solutions, Prayaas: The Movement for Grassroot Changes, Ikigai Healing Foundation, and India Energy Professionals Group. Top winners from the hack will receive seed grant up to USD 500$ and incubation support from our partners.   

Event Date: 19th and 20th September 2020

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Post By: Swati Bansal
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