Understanding climate change: Working together to meet the challenge, Divecha Centre for Climate Change and Grantham Institute for Climate Change, IISc Bangalore, January 11, 2013

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Divecha Centre for Climate Change and Grantham Institute for Climate Change


Divecha Centre, IISc Bangalore

About the event

In order to meet the challenges we face from climate and global environmental change we will need to develop our understanding of climate systems and the potential technologies and options that are available to help mitigate and adapt to the changing world. This requires world-leading research capabilities within these areas and offers an opportunity for collaborative research activities to develop leading expertise to deliver this. Working together, and linking to the real-world needs in business and government, our institutes are able to draw on the best research to inform decision making around climate change.

This event will explore the role of universities in meeting global challenges, setting out the science and potential impacts faced by climate change, as well showcasing some potential options to mitigate its effects. Discussions will focus of the potential of world leading research to help inform decision making in the public and private sector.

The meeting will be followed by a networking reception.


Although this event is free to attend, registration is required due to the limited number of places available.

Click here to register online

Contact details

Simon Bailey
Email: s.bailey@imperial.ac.uk

Event Date
Post By: Seetha