Training workshop on water, hygiene & sanitation and biosand water filters by SAPWII and CAWST, September 5-16, 2011, Kolar, Karnataka


Organizer: Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST) in collaboration with South Asia Pure Water Initiative, Inc. (SAPWII)

Venue: Kolar, Karnataka

Language: English


  • Project implementation for biosand filter
  • Community Health Promotion - Household water treatment, sanitation and hygiene


The “Project Implementation for the Biosand Filter” workshop course will fully prepare participants to implement successful household biosand filter projects.

The “Community Health Promoter” is essential for the successful implementation of any household water treatment, sanitation or hygiene project. This course will provide participants with the skills to effectively organize, train and monitor Community Health Promoters as part of a new or existing project. The workshop will teach community health promoters operation, maintenance, and how to conduct follow-up visits. Community health promoters will also learn how to conduct initial technology troubleshooting with the household.

Who should participate?

The participants may be:

  • Individuals and organizations working in household water treatment, hygiene, sanitation, community development or health projects
  • Motivated and prepared to implement a project to promote household water treatment, hygiene or sanitation
  • Working in water and sanitation, community development or health projects seeking solutions for safe water
  • Aware of the need for safe water and may have some familiarity with household water treatment
  • Motivated and prepared to implement a biosand filter project
  • Mid-level managers within their organization with the responsibility for organizing projects and making decisions
  • Program organizers, community liaison people, technicians, front line supervisors, project managers, or project engineers


The workshop will be facilitated by Melinda Foran, CAWST’s Technical Advisor for Asia. Ms. Foran is an experienced CAWST facilitator with a background in water and sanitation engineering.


Community Health Promotion for Trainers - September 5 – 9, 2011

Project Implementation for the Biosand Filter - September 12-16

An optional site visit to a village project is scheduled for September 17, 2011

Cost & Registration:

The registration fee for this workshop will be paid for by SAPWII. Lunch and tea will be included. Participants are responsible for their own transportation, other meals and accommodation expenses.

To register, please contact RamaChandre Gowda, Managing Director of South Asia Pure Water Initiative, Inc. (SAPWII) in Kolar. More details on workshop times, location, and options for local accommodation will be provided at a later date to all registered participants.

Contact details:

RamaChandre Gowda, Managing Director
South Asia Pure Water Initiative, Inc. (SAPWII)
D. No.-8, DPAP Industrial Estate, Near Clock Tower
Kolar, Karnataka 563101, India
Telephone: 81 5222 2447
Mobile: 98 4550 3935

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Post By: Amita Bhaduri