Training on "Towards Sustainable Community Based Sanitation (CBS)", CDD, Bangalore

CDD Society

Organizer: Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination(CDD) Socity

Venue: Centre for Advanced Sanitation Solutions, Bangalore


The Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination (CDD) Society is a not-for-profit organisation working in the field of Decentralised Basic Need Services (DBNS) across India. For the past 10 years the Consortium has successfully promoted and implemented DBNS with community participatory approach.

CDD Society aims to create a knowledge base for up-scaling Decentralised Basic Need Services through its capacity building approach. CDD Society, in partnership with Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association (BORDA), Germany and Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation Limited (RGRHCL) is organising a five day Training on ‘Towards Sustainable Community Based Sanitation (CBS)’ from 23rd to 27th August, 2010 in Bangalore.

Social development aspect and hygiene promotion are crucial for sustainable Community Based Sanitation. Hence there is a good demand for enhancing the skills of community engagement and hygiene promotion.

Therefore CDD Society clubbed together its previously planned trainings on ‘Social Coordination’ and ‘Health and Hygiene’ and remodelled it to a Training on ‘Towards Sustainable Community Based Sanitation (CBS)’. This training gives the opportunity for everybody in this field to upgrade their proficiency based on a broader knowledge of CBS issues and their linkages in the project implementation.

A team of experienced Trainers from the CDD Network as well as external experts from the Water and Sanitation sector are ensuring a qualified and highly participatory training.

The Course is targeted at Local Government units, NGOs, Academic Institutions, Civil society groups, practitioners, Public bodies and individuals associated with community work related to water and sanitation issues. Interactive sessions, field visits, analysis of case studies and hands-on training is provided by an experienced training team from CDD and different relevant organisations representing a good balance between Academics and practitioners. The course has been designed for maximum of 20 participants for efficient and effective learning. On successful completion of the training course, participants will receive a certificate from CDD Society.

It is a residential training course with a fee of Rupees Twenty Thousand only (Rs. 20,000/-) per person, which includes training kit, materials, boarding and lodging.

We have sent invitations to many potential participants. Please feel free to forward this information including the attachment to other interested parties.

Please find enclosed the application form and the training brochure for more detailed information on the course content as well as the training team. We request you to send back the filled application form at the earliest. As the seats are limited, relevant participants will be selected by an expert committee and informed as soon as possible.

Please feel free to get back to us in case you need further clarifications.

Brochure for the training course

Application form for the course

Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination Society
#621, 5th Main Road,
OMBR Layout,
Banaswadi Post,
Bangalore 560 043
Tel Fax: +91-080-25452805 / 25452804
Airtel: 080-41614221

Event Date
Post By: rajshekar