Training programme on operational agrometeorology for capacity building in the agriculture sector, IMD, Pune, Maharashtra, January 28 - February 9, 2013

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Meteorological Training Institute,
India Meteorological Department,
Dr.Homi Bhabha Road, Pashan,
Pune, Maharashtra - 411008


January 28 - February 9, 2013


Agricultural Meteorology Division, India Meteorological Department (IMD) in collaboration with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

About the training

The training is specially designed for the professional in East African (Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Asian participants (Bangladesh, Maldives, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Thailand).

Ideally the training would draw upon those scientists working in operational Agro-Meteorological Advisory Services and those provide climate/ weather information products and services, preferably professional staff of National Meteorological and Agrometeorological Services and a range of professionals working on farm management and design issues where weather and climate data is relevant.


Under the framework of operational agrometeorology, the Agromet Advisory Services (AAS) provide a very special kind of inputs to the farmer as advisories that can make a tremendous difference to the agriculture production by taking the advantage of benevolent weather and minimize the adverse impact of malevolent weather. This has a potential to change the face of any country in terms of food security and poverty alleviation. Agrometeorological services in developing countries have to shoulder greater responsibilities due to larger population pressure and changing modes of agricultural practices.

As training is one of the key elements for constant improvement in the service, it should form an integral part of the system. Organization of periodic training programs for scientists, extension workers, media and farmers at appropriate levels to sharpen the service. Skill improvement of all concerned in the area for understanding the weather processes and their impact on crops/animals should form the integral part of HRD process. Regular updating of knowledge on crop/pest disease simulation, GIS, use and interpretationof remote sensing data for agromet purpose are equally important area for training the manpower working for AAS.


  • To develop human resource in operational AAS.
  • To develop understanding of intricacies of location specific weather forecasting to prepare agro-advisories as per need of the farming community.
  • To enrich quality content of crop & location specific advisories.
  • To interpret forecast in a better way towards locating specific advisories depending on on-going agricultural operations.
  • To utilize agromet products/data in a better way while preparing advisories


The two weeks course includes lectures and practical exercises including field trip. The lecture would be delivered on the following areas:

  • General meteorology and weather forecasting –(synoptic meteorology, climatology & seasonal aspects)
  • Basic Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP)
  • Meteorological Instruments, observations and network
  • Agrometeorological data processing and drought study
  • Crops, their agro-climatic requirements, irrigation scheduling and crop simulation modelling
  • Advisory services for the benefit of farmers
  • Livestock, pests and diseases and remote sensing
  • Extreme weather events, impact of climate change on agriculture
  • Interactive session / Group discussion / presentations by trainees on case studies from their zone
  • Field trip would also be arranged to show practical demonstration of use of agromet advisories by the farming community.


Accommodation would be arranged at guest house of India Meteorological Department, Pune, India.

Contact details

Dr. N. Chattopadhyay
Head, Agricultural Meteorology Division, India Meteorological Department
Shivajinagar, Pune
E-mail: /
Phone: 020-25533420/09225569519

Dr.Anupam Kashyapi, Scientist E,
Agricultural Meteorology Division India Meteorological Department
Shivajinagar, Pune
Phone: 020-25513102/09822633128

Dr.Kripan Ghosh, Scientist D,
Agricultural Meteorology Division India Meteorological Department Shivajinagar, Pune
Phone: 020-25535953/09423572512

Event Date
Post By: Seetha