Training programme for lawyers involved in environmental action, IRN Lawyer Forum, Bennangur, Tamil Nadu

Organizers: Indian River Network (IRN) Lawyer Forum, National Law School of India University and Tamil Nadu Environmental Council Lawyer Forum

Venue: Malligai Farm - Bennangur, (Near Bangalore), Tamil Nadu


We are happy to inform that a training programme for south Indian Lawyers involved in environmental activities will be conducted by the Resource persons from National Law school of India University with materials and valuable certificate for the participants and by eminent faculties from NGO's.

C.P.R. Environmental Education Centre, Sri Paramakalyani Centre for Environmetal Sciences of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University(MSU), Tamil Nadu Environmental council (TNEC), Tamil Nadu River Protection movement (Tn.RPM) and Association of Consumer And Environment protection and Watch (ACEPW) makes the programme with you an effective one.

We cordially invite you and your collegue advocates to make use the summer vacation to built your capacity more in environmental issues before the Court of Law and enable to help needy litigants and activists in the protection of environment. 

Contact Details:

Mrs. S. Annadurai
79 Vilampatty
Dindigul 624219

Ad. S. Martin
St. Convener (TNECELF)

Mrs. Backiam
St. Convener (TNEC)

Ad. M. Gnanasekaran
National Convener.IRN

Event Date
Post By: Rama Mani
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