Training programme on domestic wastewater treatment and reuse, CSE, New Delhi

Centre for Science and Environment

Organizer: Centre for Science and Environment

Venue: Centre for Science and Environment, 41 Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi


The water and sewage management in cities will determine the quality of life in urban India. Most cities are today water stressed, unable to cope with the water demand of the growing urban populations and to treat the resulting wastewater.
There is an urgent need to develop the capacity of NGOs, academicians, architects, engineers and environment managers so they understand India’s nightmarish water pollution situation and gain an understanding of various decentralized approaches in treating sewage.
Centre for Science and Environment recognizes this need and has designed a hands-on 5 day training programme on “Domestic Wastewater Treatment and Reuse”. After the programme, the participants shall have exposure and better understanding of:

  1. Urban water management in India and status of sewage generation and treatment in cities
  2. Fundamentals of wastewater treatment
  3. Treatment and reuse of treated wastewater from STPs
  4. Decentralized approaches in treating sewage and economics of DEWATS
  5. New and emerging on site technologies in domestic wastewater treatment: Bioremediation,Ecosanitation,Rootzone treatment system,Water efficient sanitation practices
  6. Economics of decentralized wastewater treatment systems
  7. Planning, designing, implementation and monitoring of localized wastewater treatment systems

Tools: Class room lectures by experts, site visit to model wastewater treatment and reuse projects, practical exercises and presentations by participants, reference materials and film screening.

Course Fees: Rs 8,800 for professionals (including builders, architects and engineers). 50% discount for academics, students and NGOs. Please note course fees doesn’t include travel and accommodation.

Last date for applying: August 16, 2010

Registration: Kindly email

Selection will be done on first come first basis.

Contact Details:
Merajuddin Ahmad, Water Management Unit
Centre for Science and Environment
41, Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
New Delhi – 110062,
Ph: 91-11-2995 5124, 6394, 6399,
Mobile: 9899820945 Fax: 91-11-2995 5879

Event Date
Post By: rajshekar