Training on organic inputs, its quality control and certification, XIDAS, Jabalpur, MP

Duration: 10 days (Residential)

Date: March 01-10, 2010

Venue: Xavier Institute—XIDAS, 4th Mile, Mandla Road, Jabalpur, MP

Fees: Rs. 100/- (No TA will be provided)

Participants: Field Extension Workers of GOs/NGOs


·         The importance and demand of organic farming

·         The components of organic farming

·         Crop Rotation, Green Manuring, Manures and Biofertilzers

·         Quality control of Biofertilizers in Central India

·         Biofertilizer Organisms and Production Technology

·         Vermicomposting Technology

·         Biocontrol agents for insects, pests, diseases and weeds

·         Standards and Certification in Organic Farming

Contact: Ansu Abraham

Mobile: 9424392446


Event Date
Post By: ansu abraham