Three days training course on lake conservation at NIH Roorkee, March 14-16, 2012

Organizer: National Institute of Hydrology (NIH)

Venue: National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee



The increasing demand for fresh water due to ever growing population, calls for proper conservation and management of all the available fresh water resources, including lakes. Lakes need special attention as they are quite often the catalysts in the development of the region by supplying water for variety of uses such as drinking and civil water supply, industrial supply, irrigation, aqua-culture, recreation and tourism etc.

However, many lakes are reported to have undergone quantitative and qualitative degradation in the last few decades. They are under increasing stress due to growing demands, urbanization and human interference in the catchments. Heavy sedimentation and siltation, organic pollution, eutrophication, reduced inflows etc. are some of the major problems which are common to most of the lakes. Many lakes are showing impact of elevated levels of pollution and nutrients, rendering their waters highly eutrophic and unsuitable for many a uses. Since behaviour of the lake ecosystem depends to a large extent on its hydrological regime, understanding the hydrological regime of the lakes is very significant to develop strategies for their conservation, management and rejuvenation.


  • To impart knowledge to the field engineers, officers, researchers, scientists, NGO’s about the various hydrological process in the lake
  • To acquaint the field engineers, officers, researchers and scientists with the latest approaches for monitoring and investigating the lake processes
  • To share with the field engineers, officers, researchers, NGO’s and scientists the experiences of lake research for developing strategies for lake conservation and management

Course Content:

The Training Course will consist of lectures by experts of Lake Hydrology from the National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee and IIT, Roorkee. It is intended to cover the theoretical and practical aspects, case studies, tutorials, hands-on in laboratory etc. The course is intended to be interactive so that problems being experienced by the field organizations and academicians could be shared and discussed. In general, following topics shall be covered in the course:

  • Basics of lake hydrology
  • Evaporation and water balance of lakes
  • Water quality and eutrophication
  • Lake sedimentation
  • Hydro-geology of lakes
  • Application of isotope techniques and Remote Sensing /GIS in lake studies
  • Conservation and Management of lakes
  • Case studies, tutorials & Laboratory work

There is no registration fee for the Training Course. Accommodation will be arranged on payment basis at NIH and IIT Roorkee guest houses. Participants will have to arrange for TA/DA from their own organization. It is intended to register only a limited number of participants for the course, on first come first served basis. The intending participants are, therefore, requested to register themselves early by filling and mailing the attached registration form, latest by March 1, 2012.

Download the below attachment for more details and Registration form 

Contact details:
Er. R. D. Singh
National Institute of Hydrology,
Jalvigyan Bhavan,
Roorkee – 247 667 (Uttarakhand)
Ph. 01332-272106, Fax: 01332-272123

Event Date
Post By: chetana