Technology Forum: Decentralised Options for Wastewater Treatment, CDD and BORDA, September 14, 2012, Bangalore

Organizer: CDD Society  and BORDA

Venue: Bangalore


Since 2002 CDD Society has played an important role in providing Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Systems (DEWATS™) for treating organic wastewater in various sectors (residential, commercial, institutional, industrial). Through the implementation of more than 400 DEWATS™ projects, CDD Society has gained significant experience in implementing decentralised solutions sustainably and at a large scale.

The event intends to bring together providers of decentralised wastewater treatment options with service demanders and sanitation experts to share their implementation experience from a technical, financial and operational perspective.

Event Outline
All invited service providers will share their experience on decentralised wastewater treatment options by presenting their successfully implemented technologies. Service providers will also exhibit their products and display their treatment approaches. The presentations will be followed by an open discussion.

Target Group
Technology Presenters
Service providers of decentralised wastewater treatment options with a minimum of 20 successful implementations

Professionals working in the wastewater and sanitation sector as well as service demanders and independent consultants

Event registration and registration Fee
Participants: Rs. 100

Registration of participants: September 4, 2012
Technology Forum: September 14, 2012

Registrations and queries can be submitted to
Ms. Roopa Bernardiner,
Subject Coordinator
Capacity Building, CDD Society
Survey No.205 (Opp. Beedi Workers Colony)
Kommaghatta Road, Bandemath
Kengeri Satellite Town
Bangalore 560 060, India
Phone: 080-28486700

Event Date
Post By: CDD Society