TARAgram YATRA 2010, Development Alternatives, Orchha, Madhya Pradesh

Development Alternatives Group


  • Development Alternatives Group
  • Green Economy Coalition (GEC)
  • Ring Alliance of Policy Research Organisations
  • International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
  • Nehru Memorial Museum and Library


  • Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, New Delhi
  • TARAgram Orchha, Madhya Pradesh


The TARAgram YATRA is an annual event that promises to be a milestone in a series of global multi-stakeholder consultation processes, leading up to Rio+20.

Organised by the Development Alternatives Group in partnership with Green Economy Coalition (GEC), the Ring Alliance of Policy Research Organisations, the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) and the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, New Delhi.

The TARAgram YATRA 2010 will take place from 17-21 September 2010. The inaugural and valedictory sessions will be in New Delhi. Detailed dialogues and field interactions at TARAgram - DA’s Resource Centre in Orchha, Madhya Pradesh from 18-20 September.

The Itinerary:

  • Inaugural Session in New Delhi - half day
  • Working Sessions at TARAgram and field visits - three days
  • Plenary and Valedictory Sessions in New Delhi - one day

The sessions at TARAgram will concentrate on “discussion and design” of path breaking approaches; those at New Delhi will focus more on wider “consultation and communication” with a national and global audience.

The YATRA’s primary focus is Green Investment and Policy Imperatives. It promises to be a unique platform to examine and connect crucial economic issues from the micro to the global context and open up a realm of opportunity for new ventures and partnerships.

The YATRA recognises that the creation of a green backbone that can support emerging economies will need large injections of capital, a vital prerequisite for sustainability and scalability. Green investing is not just an ethical issue but also a potentially crucial economic influence.


The TARAgram YATRA invites participation from:

  • Local, state and National governments
  • Businesses and financial institutions
  • Academic institutions and research organisations
  • Civil society organisations and
  • International agencies (bilateral and multilateral organisations)

The broad mix of interests and expertise is designed to encourage generation of new ideas and innovative solutions, and to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience.

Registration Fee:

  • Rs. 15,000/- (for Indian National)
  • USD 400/- (for Foreign National)

Brochure of TARAgram YATRA 2010

Concept note of TARAgram TATRA 2010

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Contact Details:
Rizwan Uz Zaman, Manager - Policy and Network Management
Debasmita Roy Chakraborty, Associate Manager - Communication
Development Alternatives
B-32, TARA Crescent, Qutub Institutional Area
New Delhi 110016, India
Tel: 91 11 6542 8857 (D) 26134103 / 2689 0380
Fax: 91 11 2613 0817
Email: taragramyatra@devalt.org
Website: www.taragramyatra.org, www.devalt.org

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