State-level consultation on PESA, Agragamee, October 11 & 12, 2011, Bhubaneswar

Content courtesy: OpenSpace

Organization: Agragamee


Agragamee, which means, "pioneer", is a group of activists and thinkers committed to working with marginalized and underprivileged communities in the tribal districts of Orissa, in India. Our efforts at initiating a people-centred development have combined an issue-based approach with programmes for socio-economic development.

Agragamee has been engaged in people-centred, culturally sensitive and ecologically balanced sustainable development of remote tribal communities in Orissa for over two decades.

The State Level Consultation on PESA to be held has a very simple Agenda:

  • On 11th Oct, the tribal leaders and Functionaries of the Panchayati Raj Institutions will deliberate on PESA related issues with minimum moderation. On this day, there will be no Inaugural Speech, no VIPs lighting the Lamp etc. The outcome will be identification of issues and preparation of Action Plan.
  • On 12th Oct, there will be general discussion on the issues identified on Day I.

Venue: Red Cross Bhawan, Bhubaneswar.

Download the below attachment for more details

Those who are interested to participate, please confirm your participation to
Mr. Ashis Das - 09437384019

Contact details:

Achyut Das
Kashipur -765015
Rayagada Orissa
Phone: 06865 285149
           0674 2551123

Event Date
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