Save Ganga and Save Himalayas - Meeting cum panel discussion - Save Ganga Movement, New Delhi, March 12, 2013

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Save Ganga Movement


Gandhi Darshan, Rajghat, New Delhi


Ganga symbolizes all rivers and water bodies; Giriraj Himalaya symbolizes all mountains, forests and wildlife; Gandhi symbolizes a culture of Truth and non-violence, i.e. a culture of pursuit of ethical perfection as the ultimate goal of life and pursuit of selfless ethical life of universal love as its means.

We must implement as soon as possible the policy of zero discharge into the rivers, promote Reuse and Recycle of wastewater after proper treatment and organic farming for decreasing the non-point sources of pollution of rivers, and also for maintaining soil fertility, checking the groundwater degradation, reducing water requirement of crops, protecting human health, etc., which the Consortium of IITs has strongly recommended.

We must have the policy of minimum interference with its natural flows in place of the present policy of having its minimum eco-flow, which means maximum abstraction of its water. For this purpose promulgation of National River Ganga Basin Management Act is necessary. The declaration of the Ganga as National River and promulgation of the National River Ganga Basin Management Act must be done by parliamentary legislation under Entry 56 of the Union List in the Constitution and not by a government notification under the Environmental Protection Act.

Surely, saving the Ganga, the Cradle of our Civilization and the lifeline of crores of our people, and the Himalayas which is the source of the Ganga and many other great rivers, would be a major step in the direction to save all our other great rivers which are also in the process of slow death.

About the event

As part of the Save Ganga Movement and to pay tribute to our beloved Bapuji on the occasion of the 83rd Anniversary of his Dandi Yatra the meeting cum panel discussion is being organized.

It is intended to have a free frank critical discussion firstly over the issue of the progress of the save- Ganga -activities of NGRBA and secondly over the issue of what short-term and long-term time-bound course of actions we must take to save the Ganga symbolizing all rivers and water bodies and the Giriraj Himalayas, symbolizing all mountains forests and wildlife.

Contact details

Mrs Rama Rauta,
Expert Member, NGRBA, Govt. of India
Convener, Save Ganga Movement
President, National Womens Organization, Pune,
Phone:09765359040, Email:

Event Date
Post By: Seetha