Roundtable discussion on sustainable drinking water services at scale - Everyone forever, CEC, AIDMI and IRC, New Delhi, March 13, 2013

AIDMI Logo IRC Logo CEC LogoVenue

Maple Room
Habitat World,  India Habitat Centre (IHC)
Lodhi Road, New Delhi 1100 03


IRC- International Water and Sanitation Centre, Netherlands; All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI) and Centre of Excellence for Change Management (CEC)


Sustainable WASH service delivery – for every one forever


The Indian water supply sector provides a mixed picture. Today’s India is home to some of the more innovative and visionary policies in the domain of water and sanitation (e.g., Rural Drinking Water Strategic Plan (2011‐2022), draft National Water Policy 2012, the Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012‐17), and the 2010 Rajasthan state water policy based on IWRM)


The objectives of the workshop are to understand determinants of sustainable service delivery in India; prioritize the key components and to co-create and shape an action framework for implementation that builds on the work that IRC is undertaking in India with partner organizations.

The discussion

During the workshop a series of innovative think pieces and policy briefs developed by national experts and the discussion note on key wash sector challenges to sustainability in India would be deliberated and reviewed by key sector stakeholders, leading to the consultative development of a draft national sustainability framework for action.

This round table discussion seeks to provide a platform for:

  • Identifying a number of issues that continue to hamper on‐the‐ground performance of the drinking water sector in India; and
  • Reaching consensus on a direction forward, leading to the collective development of a national sustainability framework for action.

IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre brings with it regional and global WASH sector experience for over four decades. More specifically, IRC is known to spearhead multi‐country action research learning programmes such as Triple–S (Sustainable Services at Scale) and WASHCost (which has introduced a life‐cycle costs approach now being adopted by some WASH stakeholders in government and non‐governmental organisations). Under IRC’s South Asia and Triple‐S programmes, IRC has recently completed two out of a total of three capacity building activities for high level officials of the Government of India. This round table discussion is funded with support from IRC.

The sustainability framework for action that will be developed is expected to anchor IRC’s India country programme in the next three to five years.

Contact details

For queries regarding registration, contact:
Jyoti Agrawal
Fax: 0091-79-26582962

Event Date
Post By: Seetha