Regional Conference: Peri-urban ecosystems for enhancing urban resilience

A Regional Conference on “Peri-Urban Ecosystems for Enhancing Urban Resilience” is being organized by Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group (GEAG), Gorakhpur and ICLEI –Local Governments for Sustainability, South Asia in collaboration with ACCCRN.NET, UNICEF India and School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi India with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation, on 18th and 19th September 2017 in New Delhi, India.

The conference aims to create an interface between urban planners, city leaders (elected representatives), administrators, researchers, academicians, civil society organizations, policy makers, regional and national government officials, multilateral agencies, private sector players and community to debate on how peri-urban areas can be mainstreamed into the development process without jeopardizing the environmental integrity.

For more details, download the conference brochure from below. 

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Post By: Swati Bansal
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