Purnapramati Utsava: Rivers as life, Purnapramati, Bengaluru, January 2-14, 2013

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About Purnapramati

Purnapramati is a newly established alternative school working with a vision to integrate indigenous and modern knowledge systems at the level of elementary education. The indigenous knowledge is spread over numerous disciplines ranging from water management in villages to health care in tribal areas. While a part of this corpus of knowledge is codified in classical languages like Sanskrit, a lot of it is in the folklore. These knowledge systems are inseparably intertwined with culture, tradition and ancient wisdom. The vision of Purnapramati is to rejuvenate them and to start that rejuvenation from early childhood.

Jeevanadi – Jeevanaadi (“River as Life”)

There is an interesting commonality between the basic needs of a human body and those of a civilization. This is the essential “lifeline” called naadi. Every one of us is living because of this lifeline. The word naadi in Ayurveda refers to blood vessels and nerves. These lifelines are conduits for food, oxygen and sensations. Hence, the health of a person is primarily identified by these naadis. After all, pure health requires pure blood and pure blood implies pure health.

There are similar needs in a civilization. Not surprisingly, there is a similar structure for the health of a civilization. Even this is referred to as lifeline, called nadi, the river. Rivers function similar to blood vessels and nerves. They are needed for food. They act as conduits of civilizational wisdom, to create knowledge and to disseminate knowledge. They provide the serenity for holistic health. They act as the primary link in the life of an ecosystem. They are basic threads of life and fertility in land. The rivers also act as geo-cultural markers. Therefore we need rivers, we need a continuous unobstructed flow, and we need purity in that flow, to preserve the health of a civilization.

Pūrṇapramati Utsava 2013

In this event, kids at Purnapramati are given an opportunity to showcase their talent in varied fields like Mathematics, Humanities, Arts and Sports. On each day, celebrations will be on a specified field.  Dignitaries and experts from respective fields will be invited on every day to interact with the kids. A grand public event, called Purnapramati Mahotsava, will be held on the concluding day.

Purnapramati Vyakhya - Seminars on education

This is a platform which feeds theory to practice, and practice to theory. It grooms the teachers as practicing researchers. In lieu of this, the School conducts regular research seminars in the field of education under the banner “Purnapramati Vyakhya”. It also acts as a knowledge exchange program for researchers in education elsewhere.

This year the seminars are scheduled for the 13th and 14th of January, 2013 - Public lecture on January 13th at the Sri Sringeri Sankaracharya Math, Basavagudi and lectures at the IISc AND IIM-Bangalore on the 14th of January.

Click here to view the Utsava Invitation and programme schedule

Click here for snapshots from Purnapramati Utsava 2012

Contact details

Primary Learning Center
80/A, 12th cross, Girinagar, Avalahalli
Bangalore – 560085
E-mail: info@purnapramati.in
Telephone: +91 80 26743040

Event Date
Post By: Seetha