Photo exhibition on open wells and groundwater, Goethe-Institut, March 22, 2012, Bangalore

Organizer: Goethe-Institut/Max Mueller Bhavan Bangalore

Venue: Goethe-Institut/Max Mueller Bhavan Bangalore,
            716 CMH Road,
            Indiranagar 1st Stage,
            Bangalore 560 038

Gothe Institut

The Goethe-Institut/Max Mueller Bhavan Bangalore, offers language courses, organises cultural events and has a Library. We determine our main areas of interest in consultation with our Indian cooperation partners from the fields of art, science and media, from NGOs and select companies, with whom we jointly develop appropriate programmes and projects. Our activities range from film screenings, exhibitions, theatre performances and concerts to workshops and conferences particularly on innovative topics such as video and media art.

World Water Day is celebrated internationally on March 22, the UN-designated day. This year we celebrate with several events - an exhibition, film screenings, real-life presentations, discussions, etc. The theme of the exhibition centres on groundwater and specifically the open well, and its role in the city of Bangalore and its surroundings.

We invite photographs around this theme to be sent to us at the following:

  • The life of an open well
  • The process of divining for water
  • Well diggers and their wells
  • A day in the life of a well
  • The drying or pollution of a well
  • Different kinds of pulleys to lift water
  • The drudgery of lifting water from a well
  • Ecology of an open well
  • The process of digging an open well

The photographs can be low resolution jpeg images. Selected photographs will then have to be sent in high resolution fit-to-print quality.  The submissions could be recent or from older collections, in black & white or colour. They could be single images, photo essays or collages. Multimedia or short videos generally not exceeding 5 minutes in duration are also acceptable.

The photo exhibition is designed to organise a discussion around the role of the well historically and in its present condition. The submissions need not be focused on the well alone but could also portray life around it. Plans are on to compile a catalogue at a later date.

Last date to apply: March 10, 2012

Contact details:
716 CMH Road
Indiranagar 1st Stage
Bangalore 560 038
Ph: +91 80 25205305/06/07/08
Fax: +91 80 25205309
Email: /

Event Date
Post By: chetana