One-week training programme for environmental managers, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi, January 21-25, 2013 - Apply by January 10, 2013

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Centre for Science and Environment


Centre for Science and Environment,
38, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi – 110062

About the programme

Environmental management in industry today is not about lip-service. The green performance of companies mirrors their core functioning – be it cost consciousness, good corporate governance, organisational culture, and seriousness of the management to ‘walk the talk’ on operational efficiency and sustainable development. Environmental managers, therefore, need to understand the existing legal framework; but more importantly, they need to be sensitised on the benefits it can deliver to the organisation.

Recognising this need, CSE has developed a one-week comprehensive training programme aimed at capacity building of industry professionals. This programme will provide the participants with in-depth technical and management knowledge, problem-solving skills, and practical experience on issues relating to environmental pollution in different industries through lectures, class exercises, group discussions, field visits, on-site compliance monitoring and inspection exercises, laboratory training etc.

Open for: Industry professionals such as environment managers; health safety and environment experts; environment auditors; and environment engineers

Expected outcome

  •     Understand the duties and responsibilities of industry towards compliance of various environmental legislations
  •     Conduct Environmental Impact Assessments effectively
  •     Initiate proactive measures for prevention and mitigation of pollutants
  •     Leverage organisational behaviour to improve green performance
  •     Adopt cleaner technologies with best engineering practices
  •     Install effective monitoring systems to assess the pollution that is generated
  •     Ensure performance evaluation of pollution control equipment
  •     Conduct Social Impact Assessment for opening opportunities to local people

Course fees

Rs 15,000/-

Contact details

Nivit Kumar Yadav, Industry and Environment Unit
Centre for Science and Environment
41, Tughlakabad Institutional Area
near Batra Hospital, New Delhi – 110062, 9968023535

Last date for applying: January 10, 2013

Event Date
Post By: Seetha
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