One-day workshop series, Bhuvan ISRO Geoportal, March 17, 2012, Bangalore

Organizer: Bhuvan ISRO Geoportal

Venue: Department of Geography,
             Bangalore University.


Bhuvan ISRO Geoportal of Indian Space Research Organisation Showcasing Indian Imaging Capabilities in Multi-sensor, Multi-platform and Multi-temporal domain. This Earth browser gives a gateway to explore and discover virtual earth in 3D space with specific emphasis on Indian Region.

In order to increase the awareness on Bhuvan, a one-day workshop series Show-casing the functionalities and utilities of Bhuvan is planned by Team Bhuvan in collaboration with academic institutes for the benefit of students in particular, at various cities across India.

Though, the workshop is aimed for student participants from fields like Computer Science, Geo-informatics, Civil Engineering, Remote Sensing, Geology and Geography Departments, the workshop is also planned to draw the enthusiasts from various Government organizations and varied professions.

The workshops will be comprised of an overview of all the functionalities on Bhuvan like visualisation, Data Download, Thematic Services, Developers API, Online Shape file creation etc.

Team Bhuvan has successfully conducted two one-day workshops in Kolkata on 02 Feb 2012 and in Bhubaneshwar on 04 Feb 2012 in this series 2012.

Collaborative Agency: Department of Geography, Bangalore University.

Total Capacity: 250

Last Date of Registration: 13 March 2012

Click here for more details

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Contact details:
Bhuvan Cell,
National Remote Sensing Centre
Indian Space Research Organisation
Government of India
Hyderabad - 500 625

Event Date
Post By: chetana