NIRD Annual Mela, NIRD RTP, February 25-28, 2012, Hyderabad

Organizer: National Institute Of Rural Development (NIRD)

Venue: National Institute Of Rural Development
             Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad 500030


Keeping in line with the tradition of the NIRD in organizing Annual Melas, the Rural Technology Park (RTP), NIRD is organizing a “Rural Technology Mela” for four days from February 25 to 28, 2012. A large number of rural technologies, products developed by various technology developers will be displayed in the Mela. There will be about 200 stalls for displaying various rural technologies and rural products from all over the country. It is expected that a large number of technology developers, technology users, technology institutions, Universities, scientific and research organizations, Public Sector Undertakings, Departments, Self Help Groups (SHGs) from states, namely, Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and many other parts of the country are expected to participate in the Mela.

The rural technologies/products displayed this time include – handicrafts, handlooms, khadi and village industries products, herbal, medicinal and aromatic products, wood carvings, and other handicrafts, etc.

The salient feature of the Mela is that this time, it is organized in a new and refurbished ambience. A series of variety and colorful cultural programmes will be performed alongside the Mela, by famous cine artists, school children of the NIRD Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan School,etc.

The Mela is kept open from 10 AM till 9 PM and the cultural programmes start at 6 PM during the four days of Mela.

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Contact details:
National Institute of Rural Development
Phone: 91-40-24008526,24008439


Event Date
Post By: chetana