National symposium on "Water Resources Management in Changing Environment -2012", IAH, February 8-9, 2012, Roorkee

Organizer: Indian Association of Hydrologists (IAH)

Venue:  National Institute of Hydrology (NIH), Roorkee


Water resources management requires a holistic and integrated view that considers the surface and groundwater together and also the direct human / indirect human needs. The sustainable management of water resources should base on an integrated approach linking development and protection of the natural environment, on the participation of all actors and concerned people and on the recognition of the economic and social value of water. We must promote the integration of all aspects of planning, management and protection of water resources by developing plans which aim to satisfy basic needs and to promote equitable and effective distribution of water resources, ecosystem protection and maintenance of the water cycle. Climate change, land use change and the hydrological variability of water's distribution and occurrence are natural driving forces that, when combined with the pressures from economic growth and major population change, make the water resources management a challenge. Water management plans should consider the best existing practices and the most advanced scientific breakthroughs.

The trends in population growth and changes in environment will definitely affect the water availability in near future. Current management practices, rules and regulations may not be sufficient in protecting national interests and water based development activities. Keeping this in view, a national symposium is being organized by IAH at NIH, Roorkee. The objectives of the IAH are to advance the knowledge of hydrology and related subjects and promote their applications, to publish relevant literature and latest developments in the field of hydrology and water resources through a journal on Hydrology and organization of symposium / workshops / training courses etc. This Symposium is being organized to foster objectives of the Association. The symposium's objective is to discuss the innovative ideas for the growth, protection and management of water resources. Researchers, Academicians, Engineers, Policy makers, Planners, Managers and
Non-Governmental Orgainsations (NGOs) are invited during 8-9 Feb. 2012 to share their experiences and views on various aspects during the symposium.

The symposium is calling for papers focusing on the following major themes:

  • Hydrological data and information system
  • Integrated water resources management and planning
  • Hydrological extremes (Floods and droughts)
  • Water quality and waste water management
  • Urban water management
  • Water resources management in changing climate
  • Adaptation and mitigation of climate change in the water sector
  • Effect of land use change on hydrologic regime
  • Water ecosystems
  • Water security and livelihood issues
  • Water management hotspots in India
  • Best practices in water management
  • Innovative technologies
  • Hydrological inputs for different water sectors
  • Capacity building in water resources management
  • IEC and outreach activities for water conservation

Important dates:

  • Submission of Abstracts: July 31, 2011
  • Notification of Acceptance: September 15, 2011
  • Submission of full length paper: November 15, 2011

Registrations fees:

  • Delegate (Govt.): Rs.3000
  • Delegate (IAH Members): Rs.2000
  • Industries & Others: Rs.5000
  • Accompanying-guest: Rs.1500
  • Students/Research Scholars: Rs.1500

The registration fee includes registration material, working lunches and tea/coffee during symposium. The accompanying guests will have access to all the technical / cultural programmes and hospitality as per delegates except registration materials. The payment of registration fee should be made by account payee demand draft in favour of "Indian Association of Hydrologists, Roorkee" and payable at "Roorkee".

Arrangements would be made to accommodate the delegates in NIH, CBRI and IIT, Roorkee Guest House or other Govt. Guest Houses / Hotels on first come first serve basis. Delegates requiring accommodation should clearly mention their requirement in the registration form. The charges for the accommodation are to be borne by the delegates. All the delegates will have to make their own travel arrangements.

Contact details:
National Institute of Hydrology
Jal Vigyan Bhawan Roorkee - 247 667 (Uttarakhand)
Ph. # : 01332-249212
Mobile: +09 9897024025

Event Date
Post By: chetana