National seminar on soil salinity and water quality, Karnal, Haryana

Indian Society of Soil Salinity and Water Quality, Karnal is organising an National Seminar on Soil Salinity and Water Quality.

Scientific Programme
The following broad areas have been identified for discussion during the deliberations in the national seminar.
1.Emerging technologies for genesis, classification and assessment of salt affected soils/waters Innovative technologies for sustainable of salt affected soils and poor quality waters
3.Bio-saline agriculture, bio-drainage, bio- and phyto-remediation
4.Conventional, biotechnological and physiological interventions for introducing the trait of salt tolerance in crop plants
5. Energy plantations and other livelihood generating options for salt affected soils/waters
6. Climate change and its impact on soil-, water- and bio-resources in terms of salt, water, energy and gas exchange
7. Impact assessment, socio-ecological & socio-economic monitoring, knowledge based technology transfer
8. Policy research and related issues such as risk management/ insurance, public private partnership,IPR, Bio safety, contract farming etc.

For registration and other details Click Here

Central Soil Salinity Research
Institute, Karnal, Haryana 132 001.

For any query please contact
Dr. Pradip Dey
General Secretary, ISSSWQ
CSSRI, Kachwa Road, Karnal-132 001.

Event Date
Post By: reena