National Seminar on "Social Reforms in Slums - Role of NGOs - Need for NGOs Network"

Voluntary Initiative Services in our Neighbourhood

Organizer: Voluntary Initiative Services in our Neighbourhood (VISION)


  • Partnership in Urban Environmental Management: An approach to solving Environmental problems in urban slums.
  • Stressful Environments and their effects on quality of life in slums.
  • Reducing urban poverty: constrains on the effectiveness of Aid Agencies and developmental Bank and Some suggestions for change.

Venue: Y.S.R. Memorial Press Club, Kadapa (Andhra Pradesh) India.


This National Seminar is intended to serve the slums poor as a forum where experts in the field of Infrastructure, sustainable development and urban planning from India can get together to discuss the latest developments in their fields, identify key issues and challenges. exchange information and learn from each other's experiences and develop an ambitious agenda for future research and technology transfer activities.


  • To focus on the design of organization Mechanism and co-ordination that allow for a movie bottom-up approach to slums eradication approach planning through which to address common problems and define shared objectives.
  • Also Vision to deal with the underlying cause of slums multiple measure rather than the symptons: Thus it
    • Build up capacity of Local NGOs
    • Strengthness Communities.
  • To guiding principles are firmly rooted in the convention on social Networking in slums.


NGOs, CBOs, SHGs, Cultural groups, Charities, Environmental groups, Educational bodies, Hospitals, Disability Foundations, National Aid Agencies, Local Govt. Philanthropic bodies, Trade Associations, Welfare Agencies and Youth Affairs should attend this seminar.


  • Donor sponsorship: Rs. 30,000/-
  • Corporate sponsorship: Rs. 20,000/-
  • Individual sponsorship: Rs. 10,000/-

Registration Fee:

Rs. 500/- is to be paid by demand draft in favour of "Vision-Kadapa" payable at Kadapa. The fee includes seminar material, working lunch, Tea/Coffee etc., All other expenses will be born by the participants themselves.

Important Dates:

  • Submission of the full papers: 05-09-2010
  • Acceptance of full papers: 15-09-2010
  • Seminar date: 26-09-2010
  • Last date of registration: 20-09-2010

Click here for registration form

Contact Details:
# 10/120, Mariapuram, Ravindra Nagar (P),
Kadapa - 516003.
Andhra Pradesh, India.
Tel: +91-9347809656

Event Date
Post By: Rama Mani