National level orientation workshop: Climate change impacts in water, sanitation & health sector, NIAR, LBSNAA, Mussoorie, Uttarakhand, 26-27 June 2013- Apply by 30 April,2013



National Institute of Administrative Research,Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration 


National Institute of Administrative Research (NIAR), Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie


Climate change is a phenomenon containing both environmental as well as health dimensions. Water is considered to be the primary medium through which early climate change impacts will be felt by people, ecosystems and economies. Safe and reliable access to clean water and sanitation is crucial for good health.

With changing patterns of disease, water and food insecurity, dense human settlements, extreme climatic events, population growth and increasing migration, challenges faced by the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector have multiplied. Besides, climate change related impacts like melting glaciers, extreme floods and droughts can affect water availability and water quality.

With large sections of the population migrating to cities and urban areas and given weak basic infrastructure- like drainage, sewage disposal, sanitation etc., water contamination and water borne diseases are increasing. The related vulnerabilities can be attributed to factors like systems, agents and institutions and therefore resilience actions are needed around these factors. It is thus crucial to equip government officers working in the WASH sector with the necessary knowledge and skills to meet the above challenges arising out of climate change.

Objectives of programme

  • To orient the participants to the challenges of climate change in the WASH sector;
  • To expose them to best practices and approaches for successful adaptation to climate change in the WASH sector;
  • To understand from the field practitioners the grassroot challenges they face in the WASH sector due to climate change;
  • To explore opportunities for strengthening the existing mechanisms at the technological, policy, institutional, social/community levels; and
  • To undertake capacity building of practitioners in the WASH sector to meet the challenges arising due to climate change.

Programme schedule

Day 1 (26 June 2013)

  • Session 1: Introduction to climate change and its impacts on WASH
  • Session 2: Planning in WASH projects and programmes and mainstreaming climate change adaptation
  • Session 3: Community based climate change adaptation with a short documentary on “Tales of Gorakhpur” By Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group- Dr. Shiraz Wajih
  • Session 4: Climate change screening and proofing of WASH projects and programmes

Day 2 (27 June 2013)

  • Session 5: Integrated water resources management and WASH by IRC
  • Session6: Case studies of CCA in two situations (floods/water logging and droughts) and best practices on adaptation by Prasad Babu, UNDP
  • Session 7: Group exercise & discussions: Developing your climate resilience action plan
  • Session 8: Climate change and WASH sector: Capacity issues (Group Discussion)

Eligibility criteria

Registration is open for

  • Researchers from academic institutions
  • Practitioners in government departments
  • NGOs working in the field of water, sanitation & health.

Registration & accommadation

The registration is free and will cover the board and lodging costs of the participants; the accommodation will be on a twin sharing basis.

How to register

Please send your registration in the form of a 1 page note that includes your

  • Designation, contact address, email id and phone number
  • Experience in the field of Climate change and WASH
  • Reason why you want to attend this workshop

Last date of application

Before 30th April, 2013

Contact details

Dr. B.S.Bisht, Associate Professor, NIAR

Email :

Download the document here

Event Date