National consultation on setting standards and improving accessibility to safe drinking water in India, Healthy You Foundation, September 18, 2012, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi

Organizer: Healthy You Foundation

Venue:  India Habitat Centre
                Lodi Rd,
                New Delhi

Consumer Conexion

The proposed National Consultation shall base the two days deliberation on the fourth edition of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, which builds on over 50 years of guidance by WHO, on drinking-water quality and has formed an authoritative basis for setting of national regulations and standards for water safety in support of public health.

Objectives of the consultation
To agree on a standard for India based on WHO Guidelines and BIS Standards for Drinking Water and Water for Food Processing as per the provisions of the existing laws and regulations in India

  • To look at success models functioning in several States of India on accessibility to safe drinking water and understand how the models can be replicated throughout India to improve accessibility to safe drinking water
  • To create a community driven National initiative with support from State and Central Governments to encourage Panchayati Raj Institutions and not-for-profit organizations to manage purification and distribution of safe water to every citizen at the most affordable cost. 
  • To establish certification and accreditation bodies along with water testing laboratories with NABL accreditation to ensure regular testing of the drinking water at the user level to monitor the quality and safety of the water supplied for drinking and processing of food to enable water purification plants and consumers to make an informed choice.

Format of the consultation
The consultation will be held over two days on the following subjects:

  • The existing status on accessibility to safe drinking water in all the States of India
  • The Success stories in India on accessibility and affordability of safe drinking water and the technologies used for water purification
  • The 4th Edition of the WHO Guidelines on Safe Drinking water and the recent revised version of the BIS Standards for Safe Potable water
  • What should be the way forward in a phased manner to adopt mandatory standards for potable water and water for food processing
  • How to create a national autonomous body to ensure improving accessibility to safe drinking water to all by 2020 with the involvement of the State Governments
  • Accessibility to safe drinking water is a Consumer and Human Rights Issue
  • Building capacity within testing laboratories to achieve NABL accreditation and linking them with certification bodies to monitor water quality and safety
  • Involving Panchayati Raj Institutions and NGOs to manage water purification and distribution as per standards as a self sustainable activity to improve accessibility to safe drinking water to the community at the most affordable cost.

Contact details
E-15/A , East Of Kailash,
New Delhi-110065
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Post By: sucheethra