National Conference on River Ganga Basin Management: Issues and Challenges, Centre for Environmental Science and Technology, BHU, January 9-11, 2012, Varanasi

Organizer: Centre for Environmental Science and Technology 

Venue: Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi


The Centre for Environmental Science & Technology (CEST) is an interdisciplinary university centre, established in the Faculty of Science to coordinate environmental programmes of the Banaras Hindu University and transfer appropriate eco-friendly technologies for sustainable development.

National Conference on River Ganga Basin Management: Issues and Challenges is scheduled to be held at the Banaras Hindu University, India, January 9-11, 2012. The aim of  the  conference   is  to   provide  common  platform  to  the  Environmentalists, Researchers, Students, Faculty members, Technocrats, Socioeconomic experts, Policy makers, Industrial managers and NGOs etc. to  discuss  issues  and  challenges  related  to   sustainable development River Ganga Basin management.

Programme will include invited guest lectures and presentations in the following areas:

  1. Pollution and its management
  2. Water, air, soil, sediment, noise, radioactivity pollution: impact, management and related technologies (biotechnology, microbiology, nanotechnology, GIS, GPS, RS, Sensor technology, phytoremediation, Bioremediation, photo catalysis etc.)
  3. Natural resources and agricultural management
  4. Forests, mining, water resources; water shed management, Flood and Drought management, biodiversity,
  5. Ecosystem health of river Ganga and its tributaries
  6. Climate change and global warming : impact on Ganga basin
  7. River Ganga valley and basin management
  8. Socio-economic, cultural, geological, geographical, demographical  and hydrological importance of river Ganga: Challenges and management.
  9. Role of Institutions, Government and non government bodies.
  10. Policy, governance and implementation.

Participants are expected  to  register  on or  before November 15,  2011,  by  sending  the requisite fee in  form of DD in favour of the Organizing Director, River Ganga Basin Management: Issues and Challenges along with request for accommodation, if required.  Invited Speakers may register on arrival for the congress.



Early Bird

Late Bird

Faculty Members

Rs 2000.00

Rs 2500.00

Student delegates

Rs 1000.00

Rs 1500.00

Accompanying Person

Rs 1000.00

Rs 1500.00

Schedule of events:
November 15, 2011 Deadline for receipt of abstracts (accepted abstracts will be informed through e-mail)
November 30, 2011 Deadline for submission of full papers
December 15, 2011 Distribution of final announcement
January 9-11, 2012 Conference

Contact details:
Prof. B. D. Tripathi
Organizing Director – ICRGBM
Centre for Environmental Science and Technology
Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi – 221005



Event Date
Post By: mayankpandey