National Conference on Peri-Urban Agriculture and Ecosystems

About the conference:

A National Conference titledPeri-Urban 2016 is being organised by Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group (GEAG) in collaboration with National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA), Government of India and RUAF Foundation, The Netherlands, and supported by The Rockefeller Foundation. The Conference will be held on 22-23 February 2016 at the India International Centre, New Delhi to bring together local, regional, state and international perspectives on the challenges and opportunities associated in this rural-urban transition zones. It will examine the major issues that are emerging in settlements in the transition zones, like maintaining critical natural resources, socio-economic degradation, policy and institutional issues exacerbating due to the inevitable drift of cities into peri-urban areas as well as the challenges regarding food, water and livelihood security of cities in future.

Session themes: 

The four overarching themes that will guide each session of the conference are as below:

  • Conceptualization and Methodology of Peri-urban researches
  • Peri-Urban Ecosystem
  • Choices in Peri urban
  • Urban food, nutritional and livelihood security 

Expected participants: 

The National Conference will have participation from various practitioners and policy makers from the Ministries, government departments, academic institutions, research institutions, NGOs, international organisations, CSR foundations, media and peri-urban farmers.

For more details download the event brochure from below. 

Event Date
Post By: Swati Bansal
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