Managing water risk – India water tool scoping workshop, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, May 30, 2012,New Delhi

Organiser: World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

Venue:   Maple
             Habitat World,
             India Habitat Centre,
             Lodhi Road,
             New Delhi


The WBCSD is a CEO-led organization of forward-thinking companies that galvanizes the global business community to create a sustainable future for business, society and the environment.

Description:  In 2007 the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) launched the Global Water Tool; a free and easy to use online tool for companies and organizations to map their water use and assess risks relative to their global operations and supply chains. With the increasing challenges of water availability and management in India, WBCSD member companies want to scope the potential of an India Water Tool to help them understand their own water risks, and in turn improve their own water use efficiencies across their sites, as well as influence water use efficiency in their supply chains.
It is therefore my pleasure to inv

Workshop objective:

  • Advance understanding of water tools already available to manage water risks; how they complement each other and what questions they answer
  • Agree what further support Indian industry needs to drive good water management; how that can be achieved and what role there is for collaborative action
  • Develop a shared understanding of the potential, as well as the challenges, of an India Water Tool for industry and other interested organizations.
  • Propose solutions to address challenges and inform the development of the project.

Important dates:
RSVP by May 23,2012 to the below email id

Contact details:
1500 K Street NW,
Suite 850,
Washington, DC 20005,
Tel- +1 202 383 9505

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Event Date
Post By: sucheethra