Living Rivers, Dying Rivers - Eighth in the series of lectures at India International Centre - Rivers in Karnataka , January 28, 2012, New Delhi

The eighth in the series of lectures titled "Living Rivers, Dying Rivers" that aims at understanding what has been happening to rivers across India and drawing appropriate lessons is scheduled to be held on January 28, 2012 at the India International Centre, New Delhi. The series is coordinated by Prof. Ramaswamy R. Iyer. The lecture will be delivered by Leo Saldanha, prominent environmental activist, Bangalore. 

Rivers have been much abused in this country despite being worshipped as divinities.  They are cavalierly obstructed with dams, barrages or embankments; the abstraction/diversion of their waters is regarded as the proper ‘use’ of their waters; in-stream flows (particularly flows to the sea) are regarded as wasted; pollution and contamination are inflicted on them beyond their capacity to handle; sand is mined from their beds; and so on. We kill rivers first and then try to undertake programmes to revive them. 

There will be one lecture or presentation in each month, and a total of around ten or twelve such events are tentatively envisaged.

India International Centre ( IIC ),
40 Max Muller Marg,
Lodhi Estate, New Delhi-110003

Call 011-24619431 ( IIC ) to re-confirm any last minute change or cancellation of the event. 

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Post By: chetana