Launch of Sani Tool, World Toilet Organization and Grameenmobia Social Enterprise, July 20, 2012, India International Centre, New Delhi

Organisers: World Toilet Organization and Grameenmobia Social Enterprise

Venue:   India International Center
                    Lodhi Road
                    New Delhi

World Toilet Organization

The vision of World Toilet Organization is health dignity and well-being to all through sustainable sanitation. Improving sanitation conditions for people globally through powerful advocacy, inventive technology, education and building marketplace opportunities locally.

Sani Tool, an IT-enabled social product, is used to capture and analyze clean and safe sanitation. Be it financial, behavioral, psychographic or geographical factors, sani tool provides a solution to "adoption of toilets" among the rural households.

Speaker: Jack Sim, found World Toilet Organization

Time: 6:00 PM to 8.30 PM

Contact details
RSVP for the event to 9899916662

Event Date
Post By: sucheethra