Isotope Hydrology workshop, Karunya University and Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, October 11, 2012, Coimbatore

Organizers: Karunya University and Centre for Water Resources Development and Management

Venue: Karunya University

Karunya UniversityCWRD

Objective of the workshop
Creating awareness among the participants and familiarizing them with the emerging field of isotope hydrology and its applications.
Appraising the participants of the status of isotope hydrology in the country and its future applications.
Providing a forun for inteaction among scientists , practicing engineers and isotope specialists.

Workshop Topics
The workshop will consist of lectures by experts in isotope hydrology from CWRDM, Kozhikode, and relevant experts from other organizations. The lectures will cover basic concepts of isotopes - stable and radioactive - and their applications in hydrology. Case studies will also be discussed during the lectures.

Contact details
Karunya University
Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences
Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore

Event Date