Invitation for abstract submission & participation for '8th World Aqua Congress (VIII WAC 2014)- Balancing Development and Environment (Economic Growth with Environmental Sustainability)', Aqua Foundation

8th World Aqua Congress
8th World Aqua Congress
Aqua Foundation is pleased to announce VIII World Aqua Congress (WAC-2014) on November 20-21, 2014, New Delhi, India. At present development partners and environmentalists have taken extreme positions. One pushes for development at any cost, and other pushes for environmental protection even at the cost of zero development. It's time to discuss and evolve a balanced approach, ensuring economic growth and development to meet aspirations of billions, while making sure that we leave a better world for our future generations in terms of environment and natural resources.
VIII WAC is being organized with the theme 'Balancing Development & Environment (economic growth with environmental sustainability) and is aimed to bring together experts and specialists in food, water, climate change and energy, development partners, civil societies, academia, and environmentalists. The conference gives planners and policymakers an opportunity to listen attentively and act on the recommendations speedily to meet the challenges of this decade and beyond.
Detailed brochure of the conference can be downloaded here. You can also register online here. Abstracts invited from the themes of the conference, which can be submitted as per instructions. The conference also provides unique promotional and sponsorship opportunities, details of which can be accessed here.
In case you or your organization has made a significant contribution towards water, environment or humanity, please nominate yourself for prestigious Aqua Excellence Award by following instructions here.
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Post By: Swati Bansal
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