International training of trainers on wetland management 2011, Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation, The Netherlands

Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation

Organizer: Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation


  • Concepts in wetland and river basin management
  • Facilitation of multi-stakeholder processes
  • Fieldwork wetland management
  • Adult education and social learning
  • Curriculum development

Venue: The Netherlands


Several wetland management training initiatives took place in the past decade. One of these initiatives was RIZA’s International Course on Wetland Management (ICWM). The 10th ICWM (2003) marked a change in strategy: instead of organising an international wetland management course in the Netherlands, RIZA and its partners wished to stimulate the development of similar courses in the different regions in the world (e.g. the International Course on African Wetland Management in Naivasha, Kenya). To support regional capacity building initiatives, Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation and Rijkswaterstaat RIZA together have developed the International Training of Trainers on Wetland Management.

Fees and accommodation:

The fee for this course is € 3500. This includes administration costs, lecture materials and field trips, but excludes board and lodging and travel expenses. Participants will be accommodated at the Hof van Wageningen hotel on the basis of full board and lodging. Prices are available on request.


The admission deadline for application directly to Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation, with funding other than a NFP fellowship, is 20 May 2011. Early application is recommended.

For online application and additional information, go to: and click on the course of your interest.

Contact Details:
Centre for Development Innovation
Wageningen UR
P.O. Box 88
6700 AB Wageningen
The Netherlands
T +31 317 486 800

For more details

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Post By: rajshekar
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