International on-site training programme on community-based microhydro power units ( 21 September 2009- 2 October 2009) by LEDeG and BORDA

Ladakh Ecological Development Group(LEDeG) in collaboration with Bremen Overseas Research and Development Agency(BORDA) has been promoting environmentally friendly Decentralized Renewable Energy Systems (DERES) for the last 20 years in the Western Himalaya. Under this collaboration, 72 units of community based Micro Hydro Power UNits (MHPU) were successfully installed in the remote villages of the Himalayas. LEDeG in collaboration with University of Applied Sciences Northwestern(FNHW), Switzerland and BORDA, Germany, have decided to organize an on-site training programme to transer skills necessary for planning, implementation and management of community based Micro Hydro Power Units Also, CDD Society, in partnership with Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association (BORDA), Germany and Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation Limited (RGRHCL) is organizing a 6 days training programme on decentralized waste water treatment systems (DEWATS) from 17th Aug. to 22nd Aug, 2009 in Bangalore. The training aims to impart skills required for planning, implementing and managing DEWATS to the participants. To read more on the programme, download the attached documents ledeg_brochure_final1 ledeg_applicationform_final1 traineng_brochure traineng_regform-final

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