International meet on "Impact of Climate change on Water Resources Development and Management", Karunya University, Coimbatore, August 17-18, 2012

Organiser: Karunya University

Venue: Karunya University

Karunya University

Karunya University established as an Engineering College in 1986, transformed into an autonomous institution in 2000 and a Deemed University in 2004.

The Water Institute was established in 2008 in line with the vision of the Founders to focus on academic, research and extension programmes in areas relevant to the welfare and livelihood of society.

School of Civil Engineering and Water Institute of Karunya University, Coimbatore, TamilNadu, India is organizing an International Meet on "Impact of Climate change on Water Resources Development and Management

Objective of the meet:

  • To take stock of the available data, information and trends
  • To review the state-of-the-art of hydrology and water resources management, especially in the context of climate change
  • To come out with strategies and unified efforts to face the challenges in the water management sector
  • To create awareness on the topic among student community

Main themes:

  • Hydroclimatic modelling and flood prediction
  • Drought monitoring, predictions and management
  • Hydrologic risks and design
  • Hydro-ecosystem modeling
  • Climate change and watershed/river basin management
  • Monitoring sea level change
  • Glacier melt
  • Emerging tools
  • Water quality
  • Storm water management
  • IWRM
  • Water and agriculture
  • Reservoir operation
  • International and transboundary basins
  • Adaptation in legal, institutional and policy issues

Paper Presentations:
Theme papers will be presented by experts. These presentations of about 30 minute duration will be followed by presentations of a few satellite papers. The organizers are planning to bring out the proceedings of the Meet.


Registration fee for Indian delegates is Rs.600/-. The registration fee for student participants for the one-day Symposium is Rs.150/-

Last date: The last date for registration is June 30, 2012 (please use the registration form).

Contact details:
International Delegates:
Dr.P. Esther Jegathambal,
Water Institute,
Karunya University,
Coimbatore 641 114
Phone: 09940384846

National Delegates:
Asst. Professor (SG),
School of Civil Engineering,
Karunya University,
Coimbatore 641 114
Phone: 09486662284

Student Participants (Symposium):
Asst. Professor,
School of Civil Engineering,
Karunya University, Coimbatore 641 114
Phone: 9364540412

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Event Date